The main goal of sequential compression devices is to recirculate the blood in a person’s body. Sometimes, people have circulatory issues from some diseases, or because they have limited mobility. If people are bedridden, the blood is unable to flow to each vein in the extremities. By limiting blood flow, the nutrients, oxygen, and water in the blood cannot be distributed to the necessary organs. When the blood cannot be distributed, the patient’s safety is at risk. Limited blood flow may cause a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that can get lodged in the lungs, or into the heart. Deep vein thrombosis is when a blood clot is formed in a vein. A sequential compression device works by applying pressure to recirculate blood and allow blood to flow to all vital organs and extremities. The device is put on the extremity that has severe swelling. Air is pumped in the chamber and put on the swollen body part. After the pressure is applied, the blood is able to flow freely through the extremity. Sequential compression devices work to not only reflow blood but to prevent deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolism.